Category Archives: Email Marketing

6 Best AI Email Assistants for 2024

Introduction: Managing emails can often feel like a never-ending battle. It’s like being on a hamster wheel—no matter how fast you run, there’s always more to tackle. But what if you could have a digital assistant to help with this daily grind? That’s where AI email assistants come in, transforming email management from a chore into a seamless experience. In this guide, we’ll Explore the 6 Best AI Email Assistants for 2024, designed to help you reclaim your time and sanity. What is an AI Email Assistant? An AI email assistant is like having a personal secretary who works tirelessly in the background to manage your inbox. These assistants use artificial intelligence to automate and streamline email-related tasks, making them more efficient and less time-consuming. Interestingly, the concept of AI email assistants dates back to the 1970s when the first primitive forms of email filtering were developed. These early versions were rule-based…

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